發布日期:2021-11-17 浏覽次數:186
專業(yè):MSc Financial Technology
1. self-intro
2. Challenge如何應對
3. 到(dào)imperial第一(yī)天如何破冰
4. Undergraduate studies裡(lǐ)學到(dào)的最重要的skill
5. 寫作:收到(dào)2rd internship的offer 寫信給還(hái)在等的1st internship的公司
6. Interesting financial news
6、corporate banking和retail banking的區别
1. 自(zì)我介紹1min
2. 臨近ddl如何motivate你的team
3. 有什麽personal activity幫助你走出工(gōng)作中的comfort zone
4. 有什麽attribute讓你更有優勢
5. 一(yī)個(gè)做的不太好的internship,給manager寫farewell email
6. 08年(nián)金融危機(jī)的影響
1. introduce yourself
2. Adversity and how you overcome
3. 畢業(yè)後應聘,跟雇主說這個(gè)program給你帶來什麽提升
4. Unusual hobby and how did you discover it
5. Draft message to introduce yourself to fellow classmates on Hub
6. Give some examples of 2008 financial crisis對行業(yè)的影響
1. 自(zì)我介紹
2. 長(cháng)期目标
3. 如果你的團隊中有不同personality的隊員(yuán),你會(huì)如何安排
4. 寫作題,寫一(yī)篇pitch給你的fellow students,讓他們支持你選舉學生(shēng)會(huì)委員(yuán)
5. 買方和賣方的區别
1. Introduction
2. Failure
3. What makes you stand out of fellow
4. Role you will assume in a new team
5. Introduction to fellow student
6. How important do you think the microeconomic is for those who work in the finance industry
1. Introduction
2. Adversity
3. Attributes in team
4. Ambition outside study and career
5. Follow-up email(career fair)
6. Financial innovation help average investors
1. Introduction
2. What is your long-term goal that has not achieved?Are you still want to achieve and why?
3. If one of your teammates made an error,what would you do?
4. Ambitious outside studies and career
5. Find a graduate from your chosen ICBS program on a professional networking site. Draft a message to introduce yourself to him and start a conversation
6. What do you understand by fiduciary care as applied to asset management
1. 自(zì)我介紹
2. The goal of your life and how to achieve it
3. Your teammates has made an error,how to address it without hurting the motivation
4. The extra-curricular activities and how they benefit you
5. Had a successful internship.You want to apply it after graduating from IC.Write an email
6. 10000 pounds to invest
- 上(shàng)一(yī)篇:【IC帝國(guó)理工(gōng)學院-商業(yè)分析碩士】21Fall面試題目整理
- 下(xià)一(yī)篇:香港教育學碩士哪個(gè)強?看(kàn)看(kàn)這兩個(gè)新項目!